Texas Moon

kempwood news for 1972
January 28, 2011, 10:32 am
Filed under: Texas, ufos | Tags: , , ,

Well this ant 1972. Back then there wernt no internet, cell phones,flat screen tvs.  O this fellor was trying to get in bed with barb. It took while.  O yes gofer was probably doint the paint shop in the summer. O they did not have no future plans m and d did for him.  Well its many years later.  Really older and may be wiser.  They used to live near the astrodome and it was bad.  Once they was really drunk and went in a colorerd club it was strange.  Yes they was at EW for a while u ntil the hurrican came along. Then one week later it ended. Yea they did fatlies in the past .  All this is just from memoryies.  Gofer has been awake a long time and will take a nap later. There is unrest in EGYPT.  They superbowl is comming. Gofer got fid of a himrided yesterday.

So horny for the sex cult ways
July 3, 2010, 1:27 am
Filed under: cultrue, dallas, Glen Rose, sex cats | Tags:

O sure thats a lie.  Gofer never seen em.  Paris Hilton dont have very much but that pussy is mmmm.  Any way yes goter sadly found the dong and saw a smut movie and made the dick  cum.  Thats right. O its nearly time to crash. Yes by wilicres some one has lots of cum.  What if goter went out side in the raw.  Well the mexicans would com out and look at that dong.  No the law would get there and  be a deal for expouser.

kempwood and caddett art bell ufo goodie
November 27, 2008, 11:37 am
Filed under: houston | Tags: , , , ,


 Hello i talk  to Art Bell o yea. Mr BELL talks to rocks and sees big foot in down town Houston.  Well  now where is down town, its at  19401 hwy 249 o yes it is. 

There will be the guard checker there at may be 1210 to make sure quarts is there tonight.   And when i giant catfish is doing this ditribe  there consuming bush beer.

They sure is sick and tired of being a slave.  Yea.  Really there going to kYLE Field today its in College Station . No thats a dam lie.  I bet walking down congress street and have a brusky is ok .  U can see many things there like naked catfish. 

But really going to Granbury which is kinda far is ok these days since the gas prices are low.  Ant i rambeling on and on about different things.  Who reall cares